Friday, September 21, 2007

Friday's Feast #161

What is your favorite type of art?
Hmmm, I'm not really into art so I have no clue... whatever is pretty. lol

When was the last time you got a free lunch (or breakfast or dinner)? Who paid for it?
I got a free lunch a few months ago when I was in Dallas. My boss paid for it.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how emotional are you?
Whoa. I'd have to say 9.9999 hehe Im pretty emotional and sensitive.

Main Course
Approximately how long do you spend each day responding to emails?
Most of my working day is responding to emails... I'd have to say about 6-7 hours.

To what temperature do you usually set your home’s thermostat?
We like it cold in our house... it usually stays at around 68

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