Sunday, March 23, 2008

Menu Plan Monday

I am back in the game baybay!! lol This will be our first full week in Bellingham. It is a culture shock for us. I hate to say so far the people don't seem to be very nice (I guess I'm used to the Southern hospitality). BUT the scenery is absolutely beautiful. We are surrounded by mountains. I will post pics later this week. Coming from an 1800 sq ft house to an 1000 sq ft apartment with a large dog is difficult for us, but we'll adapt. At least we are finally in the same country. ;) Anyway, we went to the grocery store and found that in the frozen food section they have row after row of seafood that you can scoop yourself and buy in a bag. It's awesome! We both love seafood and there is plenty of it here! So here is our first Menu Plan Monday in Washington. :)

Crockpot Angel Chicken

Pan Seared Salmon w/bacon
Baby potatoes
Roman lettuce salad

Homemade Cheeseburgers

Lemon Garlic Chicken
White rice


Cream Cheese Chicken

Roasted Chicken


Wendy said...

You're back! You're back! Yay!! I've really missed your yummy menus! (This week is no exception--looks delicious!) Have a great week! (Sorry for all the exclamation points; I really am that excited to see you back.)

Kimberly said...

OOh, The Pan Seared Salmon w/bacon sounds great, and my husband would love it!

Candi said...

I'm glad to see you back, too!! I checked in here a few times while you were away! I've bookmarked everything--it all sounds yummy!

threesidesofcrazy said...

Sounds like a great week - I'm going to have to try the crock pot angel chicken.

Jennifer said...

It takes some getting used to out here, but you are right- people are not as friendly up here. I've been here 5 years (California transplant- not one of the rich ones they complain about! My husband grew up here!). Hang in there- email me if you want to talk! I work FT, but if you ever want to get together, let me know! :)

Sorry I haven't been around at all- been so busy with life! Ugh.